What remains....

What remains when one leaves this world… memories, possessions, keepsakes. But only till the time the last person carries them forward. And then… nothing. Memories meet the same fate as the person; they die. Possessions and keepsakes change titles or are perished. Everything that meant too much in life, ends up in a black void. Is that really tragic though

Or the real tragedy is people being forgotten while being very much alive. Relationships that have been left behind during the journey called life. Those relics that get to the bottom of the memory trunk, seldom taken out. The names which were once taken several times a day, never to be uttered again. The feelings experienced when together, never to be felt again. The promises of being together forever being mocked by the circumstances.

Maybe what’s important is that in any of the scenarios, your memory brings a smile on someone’s face, warms someone’s heart, makes someone laugh… That’s the real legacy that one can leave behind…

Our entire life seems to be about getting ready to forget... 
And being prepared to be forgotten…


  1. While not accepting that we can be forgotten...

  2. It's a zero-sum game. Nice article.

  3. Total energy in the universe remains constant. Thoughts, emotions and memories are energetic, they just change form....


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