Aapka agla sawaal hai......

The best questions are asked during introductions. It has been my observation that whenever people intorduce themselves, they ask question which they expect us to ask them back and gives them a chance to brag. Confused??? Ok lemme explain with an example of an actual conversation I had. For the sake of this example lets call this girl Anamika.

"Anamika - Hi, you r from which batch?"
"Me - XXX. What about u?"
"A - Me too. Where do you stay?"
"Me - Thane. You?"
"A - Colaba. You know the roads are so bad here, i hate them"


"A - So how do you travel?"
"Me - I take a train. Its hectic but its ok. How about you?"
"A - Oh my driver picks me up, but you know what, he never came yesterday. I had to take a cab"

Further silence. I didnt wana talk to her anymore after that. But networking is a hot word from where this story comes from. So had to go on....

"A - Where did u get your jacket from?"
"Me - I got it from Globus. Had a hard time getting one." I said looking at my bit ill fitting jacket, "How about you?"
"A - Oh, I got it custom made from XYZ boutique."

Oh my, great for her, but why was she harassing me. I tried to change the topic.

"Me - So did you like the last lecture?"
"A - ya, it was ok"
"Me - oh I found it really profound with all the.."
She mumbled something and interrupted me,
"A - You went to which college?"

Ha, now I was getting her a bit. She was asking me only those things on which she could brag. Now I just wanted to check my theory.

"Me - ABC college in Thane"

And I made it a point to not ask the same question to her, as I knew she was waiting for it.

Furhter silence. I could practically feel the effort that female was putting in to stop answering about her college before I asked. But I was too cunning to ask her about it.
After some gruelling minutes..
"A - I was in H.R. college. We had some excellent placements this year. But I always wanted to do MBA. So i gave my CET and I scored 95%tile and here I am....."

She left in a bit of a rush after that. Maybe was a bit annoyed by all the disinterest I had shown in knowing her college.
Playing the devil is sometimes pure pleasure :)

BTW all characters and situations in this article are fictitious :))))))


  1. --girl from Colaba!! .. why dont they just go and study in New York or London if they feel suburbs are so downmarket...
    OMG!! a cab!! she must have felt so scared to travel in public transport..

    "BTW all characters and situations in this article are fictitious :))))))"

    yeah sure.. i never doubted it!!!!

    good post..!!! do post more about your "fictional experiences"!!

    p.s. so you did buy the jacket!! thumbs up!!

  2. hahaha.. life is so ficticious na.. u can relate to it so well :D

  3. sankoobaba - gt a jacket, nt custom made though :p
    g10 - behind every fiction, there is an inspiration.....

  4. it is the story of every city. wherever you go, you'll find such people..

    great post..

    you should write more often..


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