The show must go on..
So many times you come across people who do not like you.... and every
time you easily brush it aside saying that it does not matter coz they dont
really know you. You chose to show them only a part of who you really are, and
they make their judgements based on that partial knowledge, which hardly
But then life
brings a few people, a very very few people, with whom you can be just the way
you are. Probably one person who you open your soul out to, without a second
thought... without a worry... without any apprehensions... Your deep hidden
dreams and hopes.. Your mistakes.. Your fears.. Your insecurities.. Your chunks in the armour
And then you
realise that in this world of shiny things, not many people prefer scarred and
damaged souls. You have to accept that your truest and fullest version is still
flawed and defective... Undesirable... Insignificant...
Learn a lesson here and move on... Dont dwell on “what could have
been”... Neither on any drama. And certainly don’t waste time in self pity
Put on that brightest smile (fake it, no one really cares). Go out
and play your part..
As they say, the show must go on... and so does the wait for a
final exit
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