Fitting in

Each one of us is born in a unique shape.... abstract but beautiful.

Sadly most of us die as squares....

How so? We get beaten up into squares.

Sometimes its us who want to fit in and hence we beat ourselves. We want to fit in at school,  score marks, get admissions at decent colleges, fit into the group of friends, be a good son/daughter.... Beat ourselves to fit into someone else's idea of perfection. Rationalize our wishes to fit into conventional logic. Forgo dream careers and take up safe traditional jobs. Get married at the "right" age to the "right" people, have kids, grow old and finally die.... die a square.

And if someone lacks the inclination to be a square, others take up the responsibility to turn them into one. They systematically beat the hell out of the "rebel" to show them the "right way" to live. It can be family, relatives, lover, husband/wife, and overall, the "society"

Well I hope that I can retain at least one small corner which will not be beaten up. It will be crooked but it will be original. It will be my most priced possession and I will defend it with all I have.... At least I hope to....


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